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About the Author

Dennis Webb

Dennis A. Webb, ASA, MAI, FRICS, is a business valuer, real property appraiser, former syndicator and engineer. He is an award-winning writer and the principal authority on valuing fractional interests in real estate. Mr. Webb has been speaking and writing for more than 25 years about essential, but still-mysterious, valuation topics that mix real estate and business. His mission has resulted in numerous articles, presentations and ongoing seminars for valuation professionals, lawyers, and property owners. His most recent work is the definitive “Valuing Fractional Interests in Real Estate 2.0,” a complete upgrade of the valuation process for LLC, partnership and common tenancy interests. He has also developed the online “PrimusPVX, your Partner Value Expert,” the first-of-its-kind fractional interest valuation application.


Dennis’ passion is bringing understanding, clarity, and technology to bear on the valuation of hard-to-value asset interests, a niche specialty that has long proved vexing for appraisers, advisors, the courts, and property owners alike. His emphasis has always been on “engineering” valuation methodology and bringing analysis/data crunching together with persuasive storytelling. 


Mr. Webb is the founder of Primus Valuations®, a multidisciplinary valuation firm with a practice emphasis on real property-related business interests and the enterprise value associated with special-use properties. He has been active in real estate appraisal since 1988 and in business valuation since 1994. He is a member of the Appraisal Institute (MAI), an Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) in both real property appraisal and business valuation with the American Society of Appraisers, a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS), and a lifetime member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.


Before specializing in valuation, Dennis was co-owner of an NASD broker/dealer firm that provided real estate investment syndication, analysis, and consulting services. During that time, he held licenses as a registered representative and general securities principal and was responsible for due diligence investigations. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in engineering from the University of California at Los Angeles with a minor in economics and worked for 15 years as a systems and design engineer. A native of Los Angeles, Dennis now lives in Denver, Colorado, and enjoys writing, hiking, traveling and dancing Argentine Tango (not necessarily in that order).

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